Finnish Defence Forces – Readiness comes through regular exercises

Machinery, equipment and systems developed and serviced by Millog are used on land and railways, in the air and at sea. Rediness procedures are practiced regularly through internal exercises and by taking part in military training exercises.

Millog organised an internal command drill lasting almost four weeks towards the end of spring in 2021. The internal drill coincided with the Finnish Defence Forces’ annual military exercise, in which Millog was responsible for regional coordination. The original plan had been for Millog to be part of an international military exercise called Arctic Lock 21, which was to involve partners from 13 countries as well as EU and NATO observers. The event had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, and replaced by a national exercise.

“We practise and hone our command capability and train our staff to also follow normal procedures in irregular circumstances.”

Petri Seppälä, Preparedness Director

The conditions of military exercises give Millog’s units and teams an opportunity to practise and fine-tune preparedness plans based on practical experience. Millog’s units once again delivered a high standard of maintenance support in the form of, for example, regional repair patrols.

“We have worked hard on our preparedness plans during the pandemic. We wanted to test them in practice to see what still needs work. We practise and hone our command capability and train our staff to also follow normal procedures in irregular circumstances”, explains Millog’s Preparedness Director Petri Seppälä.

Plans in place to respond to natural phenomena and pandemics as well

Millog has invested in preparedness in recent years and expanded to new industries where safety and security of supply are critical for success. Millog’s nationwide network of service providers makes it possible to provide customers with reliable, diverse and fast service.

“Military conflict is not the only kind of crisis the country can face; we also help to keep society running in the event of extreme weather phenomena resulting from climate change as well as pandemics.”

Martti Niemi, Preparedness Manager

“We have the preparedness to operate equally well under normal conditions and in times of crisis. Military conflict is not the only kind of crisis the country can face; we also help to keep society running in the event of extreme weather phenomena resulting from climate change as well as pandemics. Lessons learned from training exercises are extremely important for us to be able to improve our procedures ad prepare ourselves as thoroughly as possible for all kinds of situations and conditions”, explains Millog’s Preparedness Manager Martti Niemi.

Focus on safeguarding customers’ operations

The range of services that Millog has to offer has grown thanks to a number of acquisitions. Millog and its subsidiaries have customers and systems that they maintain on land and railways, in the air and at sea. Several decades of experience in life-cycle management, logistics and servicing sophisticated technical vehicles and systems guarantees accurate deliveries and lifetime reliability.

“From customers’ point of view, switching to Millog represents access to a more diverse range of services, greater savings and a smoother partnership.”

Manu Skyttä, Vice President

“We are ready to step up if ever there is a crisis or any kind of disruption of the normal course of society; our core expertise is safeguarding our customers’ operations in the event of unexpected developments or threats. We can, for example, quickly set up a secure communication system wherever one is needed or deploy experts to service a ship out at sea”, says Vice President Manu Skyttä, who is responsible for Millog’s corporate and government accounts.

“From customers’ point of view, switching to Millog represents access to a more diverse range of services, greater savings and a smoother partnership whatever the conditions”, he adds.

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