We are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen
Our corporate culture is founded on safe working conditions, responsible operating models, and sophisticated and tested processes.
We care about people, the environment and standards
It is important for us at Millog to be fair to our customers, our partners and each other. We act transparently and justly, sharing our successes and taking responsibility for each other’s safety and well-being.
We are a financially stable Finnish company, which makes us capable of also providing security for our employees and partners through difficult times. Our vision is to grow our business, but we want to do it responsibly and sustainably so that our customers continue to rely on us and our employees have work tomorrow, too.
We prioritise safety
Our goal is for everyone to leave work in full health at the end of the day. We want zero accidents, which is why occupational safety is an important aspect of our strategy as well as our management and leadership style.
We take occupational safety guidelines seriously, run refresher courses at regular intervals and keep a keen eye on any hazards involved in our work.
We run campaigns to improve occupational safety and reward our staff for reporting hazards through our incentive scheme. All new hires undergo intensive occupational safety training, and all employees are expected to have an up-to-date Occupational Safety Card.
We look after our staff’s well-being and mental health
We all perform better when we feel well. We offer our staff comprehensive occupational health care, a company bicycle and vouchers to a range of sports and cultural activities. Everyday professional and personal issues can be discussed with occupational health care staff or informally via the Auntie service.
We promote a healthy work–life balance by allowing our staff to work flexible hours and by serving tasty and healthy meals. All members of staff are also eligible for our incentive scheme, which pays a bonus for good performance once a year. We encourage our staff to look after their physical and mental health outside of work. We also provide a smoke-free work environment.
Our corporate culture is founded on fairness and lifelong learning
It is important to us that our staff enjoy working at Millog. Our Fair Leadership and Fair Colleague training programmes help each of us to improve our interaction skills and understanding of ourselves and each other as individuals, making it possible to incorporate our culture of fairness into everything that we do.
We believe in lifelong learning. We encourage our staff to keep honing their skills by offering a wide range of career development and training opportunities. If, for example, one of our employees wants to learn new skills that will help them to do their job better, allow them to take more responsibility or relocate to a different town, our Career Path programme can set the course to make that happen.
We follow the principles of continuous improvement
We invest in customer-centricity, responsible business, employee satisfaction and systematic improvement of occupational safety and standards. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations, in addition to which we have our own Code of Conduct as well as quality management, environmental management and safety management systems that are regularly audited by Kiwa Inspecta Sertifiointi Oy.
We follow the principles of lean management and continuous improvement in everything that we do. We systematically measure quality, our environmental impact and customer and employee satisfaction and react promptly to any shortcomings.
We take a life-cycle approach to our environmental impact
We measure our environmental impact across every aspect of our business, from investments and planning to daily routines and leadership. Reducing our consumption of raw materials and energy, investing in environmental competence, promoting recycling and minimising our environmental impact are important elements of our environmental policy.
We try to stay a step ahead of changes in environmental laws by continuously developing more environmentally friendly procedures together with our staff and partners.
Millogs’s supplier code of conduct
Certified quality and competence
ISO 9001 is the most internationally recognised quality standard, which is based on continuous improvement. We invest in customer-centricity and systematic improvement of quality, which translates to better customer service.
Our ISO 9001 certification covers Millog Oy, Senop Oy and Millog Marine & Power Oy.
ISO 14001 is the most internationally recognised environmental management system standard, which steers organisations towards holistically and systematically improving their environmental management system and promoting sustainable development. We are committed to acting responsibly and reducing the adverse environmental effects of our operations across all our subsidiaries.
Our ISO 14001 certification covers Millog Oy and Millog Marine & Power Oy.
ISO 45001 certification provides an internationally accepted framework for improving health and safety at work, reducing risks in the workplace, and creating healthier and safer working conditions. We follow occupational safety guidelines and anticipate and eliminate potential risks so that each of our employees can leave work in full health at the end of the day.
Our ISO 45001 certification covers Millog Oy.
European EN 1090-1 certification, also known as CE marking, guarantees the safety of load-bearing steel structures and the competence of human resources, as well as free movement and approval across the EEA. Millog Marine & Power EN 1090-1 certified, as the products that it supplies to ships and floating structures conform to the relevant standards.
NATO AQAP 2110 certification is an extension of the ISO 9001 quality management system, which is based on ensuring the faultless operation of defence materiel and systems and minimising risks. Compliance with the standard is a requirement of, for example, the Finnish Defence Forces.
Our AQAP 2110 certification covers Millog Oy and Senop Oy.
Sotilasilmailun viranomaisyksikkö (SVY) on myöntänyt Millog Oy:lle European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAR) -vaatimuksiin perustuvan huolto-organisaation toimiluvan. FIN.FIMAA.EMAR145-toimiluvalla Millog Oy on hyväksytty huoltamaan sotilasilmailun tuotteita, osia ja laitteita.
Myönnetty toimilupa täydentää sotilasilmailun TVJ-alan (Tiedustelu, valvonta ja johtaminen) huoltotoimintaluvan mukaista huoltotoimintaa, mahdollistaa huoltotoiminnan laajentamisen ja osallistumisen uusiin hankkeisiin.
Learn more about our areas of expertise
Comprehensive maintenance and logistics, reliable professional communication systems, and personal and corporate security.
Infrastructure and transport
High-security solutions to safeguard critical functions of society in all circumstances.
Government authorities
Functional logistics and equipment as well as secure communication systems for the needs of different authorities.
Strategic partnership for long-term improvement of preparedness, performance and efficiency.